On Fountain Pens - Part 1 - Going back to FP

To make a short story longer

A short while ago, I re-engaged on a path that I had left years ago. I bought a fountain pen. My first fountain pen since high school.

How my interest in fountain pens was spurred once again is unclear to me now. I suspect my recent interest in EDC (Every Day Carry) was at the root of this. I started paying attention to the objects I was carrying and why or why not I was carrying them. Items such as keys, wallet, watch, pen... It became clear to me that fountain pens are far more interesting and create a statement that cannot be matched by other writing tools. They offer a wide range of variety and interest that make the ballpoints (ball rollers) of this world a bit ordinary and bland. Most of all, the experience one gets writing with a fountain pen remains unique. They are very smooth since very little pressure is required to get a line.

When I was in College, we had to use fountain pens. Essays, exams or any document had to be written with a fountain pen. The use of ballpoints, markers and pencils was rejected off-hand. I am appalled that the school systems in many places in Canada and the United-States are not teaching cursive writing anymore. Why not leave that alone and ADD typing to their curriculum. Just incomprehensible....
EDC Multi-tool • All rights reserved Denis Deslauriers 2013

The compulsive-obsessive bit

Of course getting only one pen would have been too easy... I had to get more.... I have over 30 pens now...  I gave several of them to friends and relations. They make great gifts....

This is a listing of my collection, so far...

Eye-dropper pen • All rights reserved Denis Deslauriers 2013


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